
Woodlynde School

Project Details


Woodlynde School


Education & Schools

Woodlynde School is an independent co-educational college prep school located in suburban Philadelphia for intelligent, talented students with learning differences. Many of their students have been diagnosed with language- or math-based learning differences (such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia), executive function disorder, ADD/ADHD, or auditory processing disorder, while others simply need a small classroom environment in which to be successful.

About the Project

Challenges & Solution

Skynine has produced several education videos for the Woodlynde School. The marketing team at Woodlynde came to Skynine to create an on-going series of videos to highlight the various programs and service offerings within their school.

“You Will”

Television Commercial Spot

“This Is Woodlynde”

TV Spot

Alumni Advice Film

The Woodlynde School Alumni Society is diverse group of graduated Woodlynde School students that enrich the communities in which they live with their intelligence, acts of service, and many other talents.

College Guidance Film

Featuring Jason Hoffman, Director of College Guidance and various alumni students

Reading Specialist Film

Featuring Kristin Anderson, Assistant Director of Admissions and Penny Moldofsky, Director of the Literacy Institute

Technology Film

Featuring Mike Frawley, Technology Integration Specialist and various current students and alumni

Social Emotional Learning Film

Featuring Elizabeth Maglio, Assistant Head of School Grades K-8

Learning Specialist Film

Featuring Brittany Tallman, Learning Specialist and senior student Grace Magill

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are looking to have similar education videos such as commercials or marketing/promotion work completed.

Television Commercial Spot – “You Will”

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